SerpentStar Imbolc 2024


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Belated Imbolc Blessings, everyone! Here for your enjoyment is the Imbolc 2024 edition of SerpentStar. It’s a huge issue, and I hope you enjoy!

Imbolc to Alban Eilir is always a great time of the year for me, where the winter days pass through the cold and wet season into the bright freshness of spring breezes and the gentle heat of the sun. It’s not quite time to fling the windows open here in Brisbane, but it’s getting there and I can’t wait!

I’d like to take a quick moment (as always) to thank our contributors for their wonderful submissions, and to remind our wonderful readers that I accept contributions for SerpentStar at all times of the year. If you have an article, recipe, pictures, drawings, music, videos (almost any way your Awen manifests, really!) that you’re unsure about submitting, don’t be afraid to send it in.

For all submission guidelines, you can find them here:

Imbolc Blessings to you all, and I’ll see you at Beltane,

– Sam /|\

SerpentStar Samhain 2024


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Belated Samhain/Samhuinn Blessings, everyone! Here for your enjoyment is the Samhain 2024 edition of SerpentStar.

I’d like to take a quick moment to thank our contributors for their wonderful submissions, and to remind our wonderful readers that I accept contributions for SerpentStar at all times of the year. If you have an article, recipe, pictures, drawings, music, videos (almost any way your Awen manifests, really!) that you’re unsure about submitting, don’t be afraid to send it in.

For all submission guidelines, you can find them here:

Bright and cooling Autumnal Blessings, and I’ll see you at Imbolc,

– Sam /|\

(EDIT: Just a quick little addition to the issue, and it’s an announcement that I know a lot of you have been looking forward to! – Sam.)

SerpentStar Beltane 2021


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Beltane Blessings Everyone! Here for your enjoyment is the Beltane edition of SerpentStar:
I’d also invite you to click on this link for a greeting from our new Editor, Samantha Travis
Blessings and thanks, until we meet again ?
Mandy /|\

A special announcement re the 2021 Southern Hemisphere Assembly…


Greetings All

The organisation team for the 2021 Southern Hemisphere OBOD Assembly (which was planned for 10-14 September at Bribie Island, Qld Australia) has discussed the current situation and recent developments in the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in our region, and has made the difficult decision to move this year’s event online. Although we are in a much better place than we were last year, it is clear that there are still too many variables to be able to confidently proceed with planning the type of event that we can stand by as a full face-to-face OBOD gathering.

But all is not lost! We have already begun discussing options for a 3-5 day (exact program TBC) schedule of online ritual, talks, workshops, bardic gatherings, games, markets and social time. We encourage local groups to organise a mini-retreat in their own region where you can consider holding initiations, share meals and spend time together, while also dialling into the Zoom event.

The online event will be free to all OBODies to attend, and conducted entirely within Zoom. Links to the Zoom room and full schedules etc will be posted in the Southern Hemisphere Order of Bards Ovates & Druids Online SHOBODO Community Facebook Group. To attend the event, you will need to either be a member of that group, OR if you do not use Facebook you can request to join the event info mailing list by emailing There will be no ‘public’ live stream of this event, but recordings will be made available to the Facebook group and email mailing list for those who cannot attend live via Zoom.

All members who have already paid monies for the Bribie Island gathering will be contacted and refunded in full.

We’re full steam ahead now for what we plan to be an exciting, inclusive and engaging online event. We thank you for your understanding and sincerely hope you’ll stay on this journey with us.

Mandy (for Macadamia Grove)

SerpentStar 20th Anniversary – Alban Hefin 2017

It is with great joy and pride that I present to you the 20th Anniversary special edition of SerpentStar. Not only that, but I can also announce that the archiving project, which aimed to capture all the editions which had not appeared online before (plus a couple whose files had disappeared) is now complete, and can be viewed here

With the joy of the Solstice

Mandy /|\

SerpentStar Samhuinn 2017


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Belated Samhuinn Blessings everyone, thanks for waiting! Just a note, too – I’ve noticed that the online version of SerpentStar (ie the one that opens in a new browser page when you click on the cover image) provides an image quality that is not as good as the standalone pdf. If you’d like to see SerpentStar in the better quality version, click the download button in the top right-hand corner of the open magazine to save it to your computer, then open it there. Much prettier! 🙂

Here for your enjoyment is the Samhuinn 2017 edition of SerpentStar. /|\

Hello from our new home!

Hiya All

By now subscribers should have received an email from me announcing SerpentStar’s move from our old home on the main WordPress site to here at Druidry Australia. This is the second post/email to test the mailout function – if you’re an existing subscriber and have received this message via email you’re all set up for the next edition 🙂

If you’re not yet a subscriber to SerpentStar and are here for the first time, welcome! Please enter your email address in the box on this page to receive quarterly notification of new editions of SerpentStar. The next one will be uploaded here for Samhuinn on 1 May.


Mandy /|\

New Year Survey

Hi All

As it’s a new calendar year I thought it might be useful to ask for some feedback on how you feel SerpentStar is developing, and what you’d like to see in your newsletter in the future. So I’ve set up a short online survey – it takes only 10 minutes to complete, and collects no personal data so your comments will be completely anonymous.

If you’d like to be part of the survey, please click on the link (or copy into your browser):

If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact me.

Mandy /|\