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Belated Imbolc Blessings, everyone! Here for your enjoyment is the Imbolc 2024 edition of SerpentStar. It’s a huge issue, and I hope you enjoy!

Imbolc to Alban Eilir is always a great time of the year for me, where the winter days pass through the cold and wet season into the bright freshness of spring breezes and the gentle heat of the sun. It’s not quite time to fling the windows open here in Brisbane, but it’s getting there and I can’t wait!

I’d like to take a quick moment (as always) to thank our contributors for their wonderful submissions, and to remind our wonderful readers that I accept contributions for SerpentStar at all times of the year. If you have an article, recipe, pictures, drawings, music, videos (almost any way your Awen manifests, really!) that you’re unsure about submitting, don’t be afraid to send it in.

For all submission guidelines, you can find them here: http://serpentstar.druidryaustralia.org/about

Imbolc Blessings to you all, and I’ll see you at Beltane,

– Sam /|\