SerpentStar is a newsletter for members of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids (OBOD) in the Southern Hemisphere. It comes out four times a year at each of the Fire Festivals; Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhuinn. Published in Australia on an entirely voluntary basis, it is available free as a pdf download. While it is primarily for members of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids, anyone who is interested is welcome to subscribe.
Free online as a pdf file through updates from this website (just follow this page and you will receive notification when a new issue is available).
Hard copy subscription is not currently available – please contact us if you have any problems printing the pdf.
Back issues can be downloaded here and here.
This is a newsletter for the Southern Hemisphere OBOD community; please consider it your own. If you have something to add to it, send it in. Druidry is healthily diverse so we hope to see a wide range of submissions, a sharing of what inspires you: articles, photos, news, art, stories, practical and useful stuff, poetry, book or movie reviews, recipes, events, and so on.
Submissions for SerpentStar should come from OBODies in the Southern Hemisphere (exceptions to this would of course include articles relating to OBOD HQ, or international events etc).
Please make sure your contributions do not violate copyright laws. While we cannot guarantee all submissions will be published, we welcome you to send something in. Creative content will, where appropriate, be published unchanged to protect creative license. Articles and advertising, however, will be proofread for spelling, grammar and punctuation and may be edited (with consultation) for space – submissions exceeding 1500 words total may be serialised.
Event Listings and Advertising:
To qualify for an event listing or ad, your event or business should be either OBOD-specific or relevant to those on a druidic path. Advertising in SerpentStar is free, but ads may be resized for space so keep it simple and pretty. Event notices will be run in each issue until the event has passed unless you notify us otherwise. Likewise an ad for a business will be run until you notify us to remove it.
Please keep Advertising and Event Notices to a maximum of one A4 page. If you have more information to provide you might like to submit a longer article and then put a small ad or blurb about your service/event at the bottom of the page – in these cases the guidelines for an article mentioned above still apply. Alternately an ongoing ad for a business can be as small as a high quality scan of a business card, or a DL or A5/6-size flyer (if that’s what you’d like to use) which can be put on a page with other ads.
Submission deadlines:
Contributions are eagerly sought all year round. Any contributions missing the deadlines below may be held over to the next issue (providing they don’t reference dates which have already passed).
Imbolc issue: July 25
Beltane issue: October 26
Lughnasadh issue: January 26
Samhuinn issue: April 24
Opinions expressed in SerpentStar are the contributors’ own, and not necessarily the opinions of the editor or of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids.
Please send submissions (and all other enquiries) to
For information about the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids visit:
wyldwyverne, thank you for following my blog! And here’s SerpentStar – fantastic! Now you’re going to make me want to come visit you all down under!
Hi guys, is there anywere near Orange NSW to practice with a group, I am going solo at present
i don’t know of any near Orange try you might find your way to it there, or you could check out their facebook page at there’s plenty of good discussion there anyway. good luck with your search.
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