bard, bealtane, bealteine, beltane, druid, druidry, newsletter, obod, ovate, serpentstar
01 Friday Nov 2013
Posted SerpentStar Issues
bard, bealtane, bealteine, beltane, druid, druidry, newsletter, obod, ovate, serpentstar
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silver's threads said:
…many blessings in your Grove.
Deranged Duck said:
Thank You so much for allowing me to participate and write a regular article about Music for the Serpent Star. It is a great privilege to finally do what I love doing.
May the Goddess Danu forever bless you and this publication
Personal Note: It looks great Vyv
MIC (pronounced Mish)
wyldwyverne said:
well, we’re just as grateful to you. it’s a beautiful article.